Advent Day 12
Peace in Jesus is not simply the absence of conflict or fear, but the fullness of love.
Advent Day 11
The message is this: All that God promised in the Old Testament is now being fulfilled.
Advent Day 10
It's Jesus' voice, his pronouncement of who he is, that calms the disciples' fears.
Advent Day 9
We think the opposite of fear is peace, but many times Jesus contrasts fear with faith.
Advent Day 8
Jesus is never "only." Jesus is everything!
Those who love the Lord and are led by Spirit through knowledge of His Word must work to maintain the perfect balance of love within the Body – and it starts with each of us.
Advent Day 7
The Word--made-flesh came in the darkest hour of night when all hope seemed lost.
A Full Heart
How I loved my Dad's playful spirit! He never allowed an opportunity to play pass him by!
Advent Day 6
Every day we are faced with events and circumstances that attack the very notion that everything is right.
Advent Day 5
In Christ, we are made part of God's Kingdom, baptized into its heavenly citizenry. He reigns over us in love.