A dear, sweet friend shared this on her Facebook page today and I just had to share it with you. My friend has seen her share of brokenness, picked up pieces of a shattered heart, and bore the pain of loss and health issues for as long as I've known her (30+ years). She has been an example of strength to so many who have watched her deal with life's challenges with steadfast faith. I pray today with a new level of love and compassion for my precious friend. May God continue to be glorified as she presses on to win the race set before her. Jesus is her Victor, her Healer, her Peace, her Provider, her Lord!!
Written by Shelia Wrenn:
When life breaks you, it is because He is ready to put you back together differently. Every piece of you that feels shattered is a piece that will find a new place, a new purpose, a new meaning.
God always has a purpose for us and plans for us. It doesn’t always come as quick as we’d like…. And definitely not always as easily as we hope.
Often we can’t even understand the whys of it all, because we don’t s see the big picture of what He is has in store for us. So, we stand trusting, maybe not always standing, as many situations put us on our knees and laying prostrate on our faces.
Yet we trust, because He is who He is. Trust that the cracks are where the light of God slips in. And sometimes, in our brokenness that feels like it will destroy us, we will come to find that our greatest wholeness is found in trusting Him.
There we will find the courage to rebuild, to reimagine those thoughts of despair…… to find out what it really means to be strong in the Lord and His goodness and mercy.
I suppose we aren’t really broken as I was initially thinking….. but through Jesus, we are breaking through to be what He wants us to be.
Father God, have your will in my life and forgive me for all of my doubting and unbelief.
If you're feeling the weightiness and pain of brokenness, let Shelia's words bring you comfort and hope for a renewed future where we will be what He wants us to be, for His glory!!
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