Equal Justice Under the Law
Including Disregarded and Discarded Lives
Justice. Equal under the law. For all people. Except preborn children who have become our nation’s most disregarded and discarded lives.
“Equal Justice Under Law“, inscribed on the front of the Supreme Court building facing the Capitol, has its origin based on the Fourteenth Amendment which states (in part): “… no State can deprive particular persons or classes of persons of equal and impartial justice under the law“.¹ Apparently our preborn children belong to a class of persons exempt from “equal and impartial justice under the law“.
An intended exclusion? An excusable oversight? You be the judge.
Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), is a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court on the issue of abortion. It was decided simultaneously with a companion case, Doe v. Bolton. This landmark decision made the murder of preborn children legal. Sadly, along with this decision equal rights were denied for the most fragile lives, those who are the most innocent, those whose security seemed unimportant and insignificant in the eyes of our country’s highest court. Suddenly, equal and impartial justice under the law became subjective and ultimately challengeable. All no longer meant all.

But, we can’t put all the blame on the United States Supreme Court justices. As Abraham Lincoln said, “No law can give me the right to do what is wrong.” In other words, just because we now have laws protecting the right to kill one’s own preborn child doesn’t mean it’s suddenly right. Wrong is still wrong even if it is legal in the eyes of the highest court in the land.
There is a law higher than Roe v. Wade’s landmark decision legalizing abortion. God’s law will always supersede man’s law; His law is perfect in every way and will never “deprive particular persons or classes of persons of equal and impartial justice”. Scripture teaches us that God is just; He is fair and impartial. He hates the oppression and mistreatment of His creation which, by the way, includes the tiniest preborn children. He can and will judge between right and wrong, administering justice based on His standards as outlined in Scripture. And although He is just and will administer justice, He doesn’t always impose the punishment deserved even the worst law-breakers because He is merciful.
“His mercy extends to those who fear [revere] him, from generation to generation.” (Luke 1:50)
God is just and merciful to all who love Him and keep His commandments. His mercy is endless as witnessed throughout the ages.
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” (Romans 3:23-24)
Too many want to walk in the flow of God’s mercy without considering His law — the law that is higher than man’s laws. In other words, if a preborn child is willfully killed, one cannot expect God’s mercy to be applied. While that’s a broad statement, His mercy is often subject to the heart of the one who offends His law. We all make wrong choices from time to time. God’s response is sovereignly influenced by the condition of the heart of the one who has fallen short. He doesn’t owe mercy; He grants mercy as He wills.
Just because Roe v. Wade legalized abortion, we aren’t suddenly exempt from those spiritual laws God established for our own benefit and for His own glory. We have a decision to make … will we strive to obey God’s law and remain subject to His justice? Or, will we choose to use a flawed law based on carnal reasoning to justify the killing of our preborn children?
“No law can give me the right to do what is wrong.” The taking of the life of a preborn child is wrong according to God’s law even if it is permissible by man’s law. Not even the Supreme Court of the United States of America can boast that its landmark decision overrides God’s law and/or takes away the guilt and shame that accompanies the killing of one’s own child.
Man-made justice will never take the place of God’s justice. Man-made laws will never nullify the law of God.
¹ See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equal_justice_under_law .
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