He Will Never Let You Down
Faithful … an interesting word that can be interpreted a variety of ways depending on its context, not unlike most words in the English language or, in fact, any language. When we consider God and evidences of His presence in our lives, does the word faithful come to mind? If not, and let’s not be afraid to be honest with ourselves, then it may be time for a change of perspective. God hasn’t overlooked us or our needs. Instead, perhaps, we may have overlooked what God has done when life’s circumstances overwhelm us. I can say that with every ounce of certainty. Not because I’ve always chosen to see God’s faithfulness in the midst of trials, but because the whole Word of God testifies to His faithfulness throughout the generations. In other words, God cannot be unfaithful … it’s simply not who He is, not who He has been and not who He will ever be. God is faithful always and forever!
Recounting evidence God’s faithfulness in our lives is a powerful faith-building exercise. Decades ago, when going through a major personal crisis, God used Deuteronomy 32:4 as a word to cling to: “The Rock! His work is perfect, for all His ways are just; a God of faithfulness and without injustice. Righteous and upright is He.” In other words, He has been the Rock I cling to, the Rock that anchored me and kept me from falling, the Rock that would never let me forget that I serve a God of faithfulness — One whose work is always perfect and just.
Because so much of my life’s history serves as testimony of God's faithfulness, let me simply say that from the moment I was conceived to the moment I write this blog, God has never let me down! Things may not have always turned out the way I wanted, but in retrospect, they turned out the way that shined a spotlight on God’s faithfulness to me.
Wherever you’ve been in your lifetime of yesterdays and/or whatever you’re going through now, just know that God cannot be unfaithful. He is loyal to perform His Word — He’s loyal to you as you continue to put your trust in Him. He will NEVER let you down … He will never let ME down!
Be loyal in your trust as He is loyal to you. Never substitute your loyalty to God for another path to true peace. It is in our believing loyalty to God that He is always found FAITHFUL!
“God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” (1 Corinthians 1:9)
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