Just a Thought

Sounds easy, right? Sorting out thoughts posed quite a challenge when I woke up from being comatose and under heavy sedation during my recent surgery. My family serves as a witness!
I'm still unable to gather clear memories of the moment I became aware of my surroundings. My thoughts were jumbled like a pile of electrical cords searching for an outlet to plug into. My brain was so scrambled! While I was (thankfully) able to talk, memories from years ago, including friends from our life in Kentucky, surfaced resulting in what sounded silly and nonsensical to those in the room. I do remember telling everyone that I wanted to go to Paris (of all places) when my family knew any international travel would lead me to India – in a heartbeat! But, I simply couldn't plug into reality and I was far from "in the moment".
We laugh about it now, but my jumbled brain was no laughing matter then. As I've continued to remember those hours and days when my thoughts weren't clear, I've realized there was a lesson from which we can all benefit.
At the time, my thoughts were random, resembling loose ends searching for connections I knew were there but out of reach. I needed to plug back into the mind that knew its Source so I could become aligned with who I am! What I've realized, however, is that without a Source to plug into, none of us are able to make sense of our lives!

Therein lies the lesson for us all. We have a Power Source waiting for us ... we have a standing invitation! When random thoughts begin to muddy our minds, we can shut them off by plugging into our Source. We only need to make a live connection to receive the power to control our minds.
Paul's letter to the Philippians admonishes us:
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (Phil 4:8)
While I had a medical problem causing my confusion, most of us are not in such a state. We can choose to plug into our Power Source when our thoughts get messy with the enemy's schemes meant to keep us in a tangled web of confusion.
While I'm still working on untangling some thoughts and memories, I'm so thankful to know the Source of my strength – the Power who gives me victory.
Are you plugged in? If not, gather those loose ends in your life and plug them into the Power Source. Indeed, it is the only way to peace ... the only way to live a victorious life.
By the way, the Power Source is Jesus ... He's the only way, the only truth and the only life. He is our Strength!
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