
I have a dog who is the epitome of loyalty. She has to be at my feet or on my feet at all times. She despises separation from me and longs for my return if I have to leave.
Her eyes are deep-set and almost as black as her coat. Yet, they can pierce the coldest heart with a glance. She's stubborn, demanding, and determined to be the center of attention. She knows what she wants and ensures we hear her when she wants or needs something. She cannot be persuaded to be quiet if she sees or hears something out of place. This is her home. We are her people. She takes her role as guard and protector very seriously. And, while she has never been a physical threat to anyone, her fierce and relentless bark leads visitors to think otherwise.
But, that's Josie. Intelligent. Protective. Vocal. Loyal.

As I consider what it means to be loyal, I cannot help but consider God's loyalty toward His children.
He's our protector and warns us when things aren't right.
He's not silent when things are out of order in our lives.
He guards us from possible harm and makes His presence known when danger looms.
Our Father's loyalty to His children is unquestionable. He takes His responsibility toward us seriously and never allows anything to endanger us outside of His will and purpose. We may not understand why He allows some things to happen, but we can be sure He has a reason intended to lead us to His purpose. All He asks is that we live a life of surrender to His will.
The list could go on. But I want to ask this: Are we loyal to Him even when our faith is tried? Is our loyalty unshaken when the days are dark and lonely? Do we remain loyal to Him when our hopes are dashed by unexpected or life-altering events?
These questions may not challenge you the way they do me at the moment. I'm facing some life-altering events and the only thing that helps me right now is the loyalty God has toward me as His child. My loyalty toward Him is being challenged in my mind yet I know I must remain steadfast as I trust Him with my very life.
The struggle is real. But, at the same time, the assurances in His promises continue to repair and heal any fractures in my faith.
My God is loyal ... I choose to remain loyal to him no matter what the future holds.
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