2 min read


What proof do we have that He is indeed “mighty to save” regardless of what it is we are facing? As Spurgeon so clearly states: “Jesus is mighty to save; the best proof of which lies in the fact that he has saved you."
Mighty to Save
Photo by Jana Knorr / Unsplash

Jesus is Mighty to Save

“It is I … mighty to save!” (Is 63:1)

For the believer, life is a series of miracles. Let’s take a few minutes to set our gaze on the One who is “mighty to save”.

Consider the bush that burned but was not consumed. Who preserved life in the midst of the fire? “It is I … mighty to save!"

What about the moment the first germ of life was planted in your dead soul? Who imparted it? “It is I … mighty to save!"

Think about those times you felt helpless in your circumstances. Who gave you strength to endure? “It is I … mighty to save!"

We have all had moments when we’ve felt distant from our Savior, alone and even abandoned. Who did not leave you to fend for yourself but continues to carry on the good work He began in you? “It is I … mighty to save!"

Those dark days when the walls close in, the pain escalates, and life seems to lose its purpose. Who gave (and continues to give) you strength until light bursts through the darkness and all is well once again? “It is I … mighty to save!"

Oh, dear friend, the list could go on forever. But, never — NEVER — in the life of a believer will there be found permanent hopelessness, helplessness or despair. We have a Savior who is “mighty to save”. On our own, we are powerless, yet all power has been given to Him who dwells within us to rescue us from whatever pit in which we find ourselves. Whether we be trapped by sin that so easily besets us, or chained by our past, burdened for lost loved ones, or captured by circumstances beyond our control. Our God is “mighty to save!"

How do we know this is true? What proof do we have that He is indeed “mighty to save” regardless of what it is we are facing? As Spurgeon so clearly states: “Jesus is mighty to save; the best proof of which lies in the fact that he has saved you."

What a thousand mercies that you have not found him mighty to destroy!