1 min read


“Each burden we have to carry has once been laid on the shoulders of Immanuel.” Because of Him, we have confidence of success … He was born for adversity so we could walk in victory—His victory!
Royal Feet
Photo by Olia 💙💛 Gozha / Unsplash

Share in His Overcoming

“Royal feet have left a blood-red track upon the road,
and consecrated the thorny path for ever."

He’s been there. He felt the pain. Shared in the burden. Fought the temptation. Experienced the disappointment. Broken heart. Weakness. Weariness. Poverty. He’s already walked the path on which we find ourselves. The thorny crown that adorned His head serve to remind us that our thorny path has been consecrated, redeemed and the victory won. His footsteps along life’s journey are but a reminder to us that He overcame it all so we can share in His overcoming.

We have a Savior whose right to sit on Heaven’s throne was purchased by His own blood. He left His royal heavenly estate, was knit together in the womb of a virgin girl and born into this world as the long-awaited Messiah so our journey through life would be earmarked with experiential victory. He not only spoke victory over all temptation and sorrow, but He was personally acquainted with every aspect of human existence including pain and emotion, every challenge and burden known to mankind. He knows them all. He has felt them all. He was victorious over them all.

Let’s never lose sight of the fact that, however difficult and painful we find circumstances of life, the road is marked by the footsteps of our Savior. When we reach the dark valley of the shadow of death, when the troubled waters flood our paths, when the heat of the fiery furnace singes the hair on our heads, we will find His footprints there. He is our forerunner wherever we go, through whatever we face.

Spurgeon offers this for our consideration: “Each burden we have to carry has once been laid on the shoulders of Immanuel.” Because of Him, we have confidence of success … He was born for adversity so we could walk in victory—His victory!