God Didn't Disappoint
A young child with a swollen belly cries from hunger yet a tear cannot be found. A mother searches frantically for water and food since dehydration left her unable to produce milk to nourish her children. A father, frustrated, oppressed and burdened sits by the side of the road hoping someone will drive by and offer him a job or money to buy water and food. Parched animals lie in the field, tongues stuck to the roof of their mouths, listlessly drawing their final breaths. Flies swarm. Dust blows. Sun blazes. Death is in the air.
The picture isn't pretty. Unfortunately, however, it's reality for far too many. It's hardly imaginable as we sit in our comfortable homes, holding our cup of morning coffee, air conditioning running, and the smell of breakfast filling the house. The phone rings, the cellphone beeps. Friends. Fun. Family. We quickly change our focus and get on with our busy lives, perhaps momentarily hoping someone will help those poor people.
Sometimes I'm astounded at how hard-hearted we have become in the West. We're so enraptured with our lives and things and sense of self-worth that we barely take notice of the majority of the world suffering with lack -- not just lack of being able to get our email because the internet is down, but lack of the ability to survive. There's a stark difference, you know! Email somehow doesn't even compare to survival and, yet, if our email should happen to get hung up or delayed for a few moments, we feel like our world is falling apart! Yes, we in the West need a change of perspective.
"He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker,
but whoever is kind to the needy honors God. " (Proverbs 14:31 NIV)
Sudan continues to be on my mind as I remember this mission outreach. We anticipated miracles wrought by the Hand of God through His people and He didn't disappoint. My heart's cry is that His name should be glorified in Sudan as His provision continues to be seen ... What an amazing God we serve!
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