A Near Miss
Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. (Prov 30:5)
How Does That Work?
All God promised to Israel is ours by adoption – we are joint heirs with Christ!
Those who love the Lord and are led by Spirit through knowledge of His Word must work to maintain the perfect balance of love within the Body – and it starts with each of us.
A Full Heart
How I loved my Dad's playful spirit! He never allowed an opportunity to play pass him by!
Wound Care
From time to time, we all need some form of wound care from those with whom we surround ourselves.
Veteran's Day
We owe each veteran a huge debt of gratitude for doing their part.
Just a Thought
To untangle our minds and rid them of the enemy's influence, we simply plug into our Power Source!
A Life Sustained
The enemy attempted to take my life, but the Name of the Lord was the symbol of power that sustained my life!
I was reading 2 Timothy this morning and something stood out to me ... even when I feel faithless, God remains faithful. Hallelujah!
Bible Studies and Creative Writing
This page is organized to help you navigate through truth-filled posts such as topical studies, a series on our foundational