Bible Studies and Creative Writing
This page is organized to help you navigate through truth-filled posts such as topical studies, a series on our foundational
He's Amazing
That once broken young man has now been married for nearly 25 years to a wonderful young woman, and together they have four children and 5 grandchildren.
Kids Will Say the Darndest Things 🏆
"Well, if you can't tell me that, let me ask you another question. What makes your dad's job as a firefighter so funny?" Although the studio filled with laughter, his parents were getting a bit nervous not knowing what he might say.
A Bun Dance
The atmosphere was charged with hope and faith and an abundance of expectancy! Sister Georgia took her usual seat, leaving room for her departed husband as was her custom ...
Her grace, her beauty, and inner glow captured Karam’s heart. Although he dared not stare, he couldn’t draw his eyes away from her. His heart melted in her presence.
We know Nehemiah wasn’t the bullfrog, Jeremiah was! But maybe, just maybe Nehemiah really was a bullfrog in his own right. He took some big leaps when it came to restoring the broken walls of Jerusalem.
As they were praying, footsteps could be heard throughout the house. Suddenly, but not unforeseen, armed soldiers burst through the door.
The altar was strewn with gifts, each labeled with a name. It became apparent—the gifts they needed were available to them but they were never claimed. Stir up the gift of God in you.
Cellphones and Grandfathers
Once he realized his behavior wounded his grandfather’s heart and deeply grieved him, the tears began to flow
Amazing Corn!
I was freezing some corn and noticed some ears were underdeveloped. Is there a lesson here?