Firm Foundation: Part 16
The Son of God heals our nature by joining it to himself. Human nature is changed by this union. Mortality joins hands with immortality. The grave becomes the beginning of life.
Firm Foundation: Part 15
In the Roman Empire, crucifixion wasn’t only about death. It was about public disgrace. The problem with being crucified wasn’t just that it would kill you but that it would humiliate you at the same time.
Firm Foundation: Part 14
Christians today might be more tempted by the allure of a triumphalist faith, or by a distorted gospel that promises worldly satisfactions and success. But believers are baptized into the way of a suffering Lord who lays on his followers not a crown but a cross.
Firm Foundation: Part 12
When the Spirit (ruach) hovers or broods over the womb of Mary, we see a picture of God’s creative work once again. The physical man Jesus is the result of the creative breath of God’s Spirit.
Firm Foundation: Part 11
Jesus was fully God, but He was also fully human. As the Son of God and the Son of Man, Jesus, our Lord and our King, is deserving of both titles.
Firm Foundation: Part 10
When the Bible refers to Jesus as Son, it is declaring, pronouncing, and confessing His uniqueness … His deity. There should be no doubt in our minds that Jesus is God’s “monogenes” Son, God’s only begotten Son our Lord!
Firm Foundation: Part 9
The Father and Son are uniquely inseparable. To know the Father is to know Him as He is revealed to us through the Son.
Firm Foundation: Part 8
The Lord Jesus Christ serves as the hub from which all our beliefs radiate. Personal attachment to the hub, Jesus Christ, requires our total allegiance to Him.
We live in a culture overrun by Pontic mice gnawing and tearing apart the truth to fit their own form of God. God cannot be separated from Truth or Jesus, the express image of the Father, IS Truth!!
The wedding feast wasn’t the focus … not even the best wine as the feast-master commented. No, the focus is the manifestation of glory which caused Jesus’ followers or disciples to have faith as He revealed Himself to them as the glory of God being manifest in their presence!