3 min read

The Name

The Name of Yahweh is a tower of strength.
Tower of David
Tower of David, Jerusalem

Talk about a rabbit trail! I'm often guilty of following my curiosity as it leads me into more detail than I anticipated. Today as I was reading in Proverbs, some thoughts I had while meditating on Proverbs 18:10 led me to some unexpected richness in the text.

“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.” (Proverbs 18:10 ESV)

My thoughts began to focus on "The Name of the Lord" and how HaShem or "The Name" of Yahweh is the place of safety for the righteous. Think about that! When we're in trouble, who do we call on? Our safety amid trouble is found in "The Name" or "HaShem"! The Name of the Lord ... Yahweh!

I love how The Lexham English Bible translates the verse ... it speaks volumes to my heart.

A tower of strength is the name of Yahweh;
into him [or it] the righteous will run and be safe. (Prov. 18:10 LEB)

Immediately, I thought of the Tower of David as I considered a tower in ancient Jerusalem, very possibly originally constructed to be David's ancient citadel referenced in Solomon in Canticles 4:4.

"Thy neck is like the Tower of David built with turrets, whereon there hang a thousand shields, all the armor of the mighty men"

For the righteous, the name of HaShem, Yahweh, is the place of safety, a place of sanctuary, a place of security, and a place of power and authority. Not our power. Not our authority. Our place of safety is in the Name of Yahweh, our protector and sanctuary, our shelter in our times of trouble.

The Tower of David is one of the most famous and recognizable landmarks in Jerusalem. It is an ancient citadel located in the Old City of Jerusalem, and it has a long and rich history. The Tower of David has been a part of Jewish history and culture for thousands of years, and it is a symbol of the Jewish people’s connection to Jerusalem.

The Tower of David is a medieval fortress located in the Old City of Jerusalem. The fortress is situated on the site of the ancient citadel that was built by King David in the 11th century BCE. The Tower of David was used as a military stronghold and as a royal palace by the kings of Judah. The fortress was also used as a place of refuge during times of siege. The Tower of David is a symbol of the strength and resilience of the medieval city of Jerusalem.

Now, put those details in the context of Proverbs 18:10 and allow your heart to be strengthened and encouraged ... the Name of the Lord is like a fortress, a military stronghold, a royal palace, a place of refuge during times of siege.

When we're under attack and the enemy is waging war with the righteous, it is the Name of the Lord we run to to find safety.

The Name of the Lord is a high place or a symbol of power and authority --not just any power but divine power.

The Name of the Lord is found in His presence ... where the Lord God is Present.

The Name of the Lord is a sacred place ... a place set apart for worshiping the presence of Yahweh. It is holy ground. His Name is a place of worship.

The Name of the Lord is a sanctuary where we can flee to for immunity from the enemy's accusations, blame, condemnation, or execution.

Run and don't delay to the Name of the Lord ... He is the place of salvation, security, and safety for the righteous. The Name of Yahweh is our High Place where the enemy has no power or authority over those called by His name.

A tower of strength is the name of Yahweh;
into him [or it] the righteous will run and be safe. (Prov. 18:10 LEB)
