2 min read


Darkness flees when Light appears. Where will you carry the Light of Christ today? How will you respond to God’s call to the uttermost parts of the earth?
Treasures Hidden in Darkness
Photo by Bruno van der Kraan / Unsplash

Uncover Their Darkness

"Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, 'I am the light of the world.
Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the
light of life.’” (John 8:12)

I can easily remember how, as a child, I despised the darkness. When the lights went out at night, I felt so vulnerable; it was as if I had been left totally unprotected, unloved and abandoned. I was sure there was a “boogey man” hiding in the closet just waiting for the bedroom door to close so he could come get me. There was another one hiding under the bed waiting for me to fall asleep so he could attack me. (Those were the milder imaginations I fought every night — I won’t go into any more detail lest you think I’m totally nuts!)

Morning was always a welcome relief from the weighty darkness which terrorized this child’s heart. I can remember the first light of dawn revealing a room void of any danger as I breathed a sigh of relief … another night had passed as the light signaled a new day had just begun with opportunities aplenty for fun and laughter and oodles of love. It’s funny how these childhood fears remain forever etched in the memory … they were very real to me as a child regardless how silly they may sound so many years later!

Throughout Scripture, darkness relates to evil and/or the absence of Light. There are an amazing number of people groups who live in perpetual darkness — not physical darkness, but spiritual. The Light of Jesus Christ has not yet been brought into these areas by those of us who bear His Light. Yet, within these groups of people living in darkness are undiscovered treasures — men, women and young people who have the potential to reach others, to offer to the world opportunities to know God in a way that only they can. They are truly hidden treasures waiting for the Light to remove the cloak of darkness and unveil amazing gifts and talents and callings and divine appointments which bring glory to God as they perpetuate the Light of Christ among their people and beyond!

It is encumbant upon each of us as believers in Jesus Christ to bear the Light of Christ and carry it into the darkness of the world. This means going near and far, dispelling that darkness by allowing the Light of Christ to shine through us. Whether it is in our own neighborhood or the deepest jungles of Africa, these hidden treasures must be exposed to the Light — it is our duty … it is our privilege.

Darkness flees when Light appears. Where will you carry the Light of Christ today? How will you respond to God’s call to the uttermost parts of the earth?

Be the Light to dispel someone’s darkness. Uncover those treasures hidden in darkness by sharing with them the Good News of Jesus Christ — the Light of the World!

"I have come into the world as light,
so that whoever believes in me may
not remain in darkness" (John 12:4).