2 min read


We're in this journey together, learning to obediently give Him all He asks of us while He provides the means to do so. The true worshiper will obediently give all that He asks trusting that He will provide.
A True Worshiper
Photo by James Barr / Unsplash

Holding Nothing Back

"A true worshiper of God holds nothing back from God but obediently gives Him what He asks, trusting that He will provide." (A.P.Ross)

When I read this, I almost just moved on without stopping but the Holy Spirit led me to take a moment to consider these words. The reason I almost didn't think much of it was that I could immediately see how this quote could be used to manipulate people to donate money to a cause. I hate manipulative tactics using guilt trips or empty promises to motivate people. But, looking beyond all that, I see a deep truth in this quote that bears consideration. Let me explain ...

"A true worshiper of God holds nothing back from God but obediently gives Him what He asks, trusting that He will provide."

In these words I see my own testimony of having to trust God as I continue to commit to obey Him. When I was called to international missions, I was in that very position ... I loved God and wanted to hold nothing back from Him. But when He first revealed to me His call, I almost backed away. I thought I had nothing to give. I thought I was unqualified. I thought I would be physically unable. I thought I was unequipped. I thought I was too ordinary for such a weighty call. I thought I was nothing compared to all those whose names are so familiar to us all. Do you see the common denominator?

"I thought...."

Rather than trusting Him to provide what I so obviously lacked, all I could do was think about my lack.

Through the years, He has proven Himself over and over again, providing what I lacked simply because I longed to be obedient. That's not to say I've always been willing. I’ve not always had the perfect response or even always been obedient. But, day by day, opportunity presents itself to fulfill that calling, not in my own strength or by my own power, not with my own talents or abilities, and certainly not on my own qualifications. No! Day by day, opportunity presents itself to fulfill His calling with that which He provides. All I need do is trust and obey.

With all that is within me, I believe every follower of Christ, a true worshiper of God, has a similar testimony to share. Think of all those times God has opened a door for you and you hesitated thinking you couldn't or you weren't qualified or you were somehow ineligible. Then, think of all those times God opened the door and you took that step of faith trusting He would equip you and empower you to fulfill His purpose through you.

You see? God has been faithful. All He asks is our obedience to give Him what He asks of us. Whatever He asks, He WILL provide the way to do it.

Don't hesitate, my friends ... we're in this journey together, learning to obediently give Him all He asks of us while He provides the means to do so. It's not up to us to figure out "how" but only to respond with to His request with faith knowing without doubt that He would never ask of us anything for which He has not already made provision.

The true worshiper will obediently give all that He asks trusting that He will provide.

"His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence…” (2 Peter 1:3)