2 min read


It's a privilege to exercise our right to vote. I'm going to be out of the country on election day, so I took advantage of early voting!
Voting Privilege
Photo by Glen Carrie / Unsplash

Don't Take Your Privilege Lightly

It is a privilege to vote in this great nation.  To exercise our right to vote according to our conscience is something so many in the world do not have. Indeed, voting is a privilege I do not take lightly. Although I'm going to be out of the country on election day ... I took advantage of early voting!

For me, the issues are definitely more moral than political.  I'm not a political person and have never voted a straight party line.  In fact, I'm registered as an Independent.  But, as a mother and grandmother, my main concern is the direction this nation is headed MORALLY more than politically.

The issues that concern me most are these:

  1. Sanctity of Life.  There is no question in my mind that life begins at conception.  Neither is there any question about the source of life--no child conceived is an accident or a tragedy. In God's economy, there is a purpose for every life conceived in the womb...a purpose that is meant to fulfill a divine purpose. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding conception, God does NOT make mistakes. My vote is based on this MAJOR concern and I support pro-life candidates.
  2. Sanctity of Marriage.  There is no question in my mind that marriage is designed by God, not to fulfill the natural desires of the flesh as much as to create a perfect picture of Christ's love for His Church and how He gave Himself for her. Marriage is a covenant between God, man and woman. There is no Scripture that supports any other point of view and I cannot, in good conscience, cast a vote for a candidate who does not recognize the authority of Scripture when it comes to the institution of marriage.
  3. Support of Israel. There is no question in my mind that this nation's relationship with Israel plays a pivotal part in America's future. The Scripture is very plain in stating that those who bless Israel will be blessed, those who do not will be cursed. It is my belief that our elected leader MUST side with Israel, support her, stand beside her, and protect her. I cannot, in good conscience, cast a vote for a candidate who fails to recognize the Scriptural mandate to support Israel.

These issues are not only important to me, they are important for my family. I don't want to see my children and grandchildren bear the repercussions of siding with a candidate who fails to recognize the authority of Scripture when it comes to these and other major issues.

I'm proud to be an American, I'm proud to cast a vote for Life, for Marriage, and for Israel.  I pray this nation will rise up and take a stand against the antiChrist agenda promoted by our current administration.

If you are going to be unavailable on Election Day and early voting is an option or absentee ballot is an option, please be one of the many folks who have gone out of their way to take advantage of early voting ... it's a privilege not to be taken lightly!