2 min read


The problem we all have, though some more than others, is that we get easily distracted. No one else can save you. Not your family. Not your church. Not your ministry. Not your job, your successes, or even your good works.
Wandering Eyes
Photo by Kalea Jerielle / Unsplash

A Case for Believing Loyalty

Are you divided in your loyalties? Are your eyes fixed on the God of the Bible, or do you have wandering eyes?

Consider Isaiah 45:22 … "Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else."

The problem we all have, though some more than others, is that we get easily distracted.  No one else can save you. Not your family. Not your church. Not your ministry. Not your job, your successes, or even your good works.  The list goes on and on. We serve a jealous God. There is no other way for us to be saved. The Lord is calling us, His people, to a higher level of commitment to Him. We can no longer afford to be part-time Christians or even “most-of-the-time” Christians. We need to stop allowing other things that are important to us rob us of our focus.

Love your family and serve them, but do it as unto the Lord.  Love and serve in your church, but do it motivated by your love for God.  Same with your ministry, your career, etc.  Pursue success and good works but only with a proper heart-motive and right relationship with God.  In other words, live as though nothing is before Him, nothing can replace Him, and nothing gives you more pleasure than living your life for Him.

Take inventory of your life and learn where your priorities lie. Are you nurturing a relationship with or distracted by a "substitution" for with the Most High God? Be honest with yourself; it's not too late to refocus those wandering eyes.

You'll never regret allowing the God who saves, the God from the ends of the earth, to be number one passion, motive and focus and in your life.

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Col 3:17 NIV)

Father, help me to identify anything and everything that would divert my attention and focus away from You. Father, I long to worship You in spirit and in truth, to be all that You called me to be. Lord, teach me to live with singleness of mind with my heart fixed on You and You alone! Father, I stand before you in total surrender; my gaze is fixed, my heart is settled, and I will look to no other, for You are my all in all! Amen!

“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”  (Exodus 20:3)