1 min read

Abigail VonSchleshinger πŸ†

Tribes and peoples near and far Loved Abigail's bright smile. Village doctors learned her way Of praying was worthwhile.
Abigail VonSchleshinger πŸ†

Abigail VonSchleshinger
Awoke one frosty day.
"Lord, please lead me step by step
And show me how, I pray.

I have given You my life,
I'll go where e'er you will.
Trusting You to open doors,
Your will through me fulfill."

Abigail went on to pray,
Until the sun was bright.
Joyfully she walked outside,
And danced in morning's light.

She felt something new inside,
That words can ne'er express.
Glistening eyes alit with praise,
She answered, "Yes, Lord  Yes!"

Childhood dreams of Africa,
And reaching out with love,
Touching hearts and meeting needs,
Was all she could think of.

Six short months had quickly passed
As Abigail prepared.
Meeting all her needs, the Lord
Proved just how much He cared.

Abigail VonSchleshinger
In Kenya now at last,
Travling through the Western Rift
Saw poverty so vast.

Hungered children broke her heart
Their eyes so deep with pain.
Listless infants near deaths door,
The blind, the deaf, the lame.

Day by day with tender care,
With prayers and silent tears,
Abigail gave all she had
While days turned into years.

Cradling infants born with AIDS
While their last breath they drew,
Abigail's heart broke while more
Compassionate she grew.

Tribes and peoples near and far
Loved Abigail's bright smile.
Village doctors learned her way
Of praying was worthwhile.

Healing, touching, loving all,
It mattered not to her.
Dying people every day,
Her heart was simply pure.

Giving all she had to give
In time she grew so frail.
Claiming not a moment's rest
Her mission could not fail!

Abigail VonSchleshinger,
She gave to all she knew.
Years had passed as she pressed on
Till her last breath she drew.

Villagers and tribal friends,
They gathered from all 'round.
Celebrating life anew
With strength and faith newfound!

Hearts alive that once were dead
Because of Abigail,
Planting seeds of love and faith,
Her efforts did not fail.

Abigail VonSchleshinger
In righteous robes, she's dressed.
Dancing on the streets of gold,
In heaven, now at rest.