1 min read

Amazing Corn!

I was freezing some corn and noticed some ears were underdeveloped. Is there a lesson here?
Amazing Corn!

There's nothing quite like the taste of fresh-picked corn, rolled in fresh hand-churned butter, and sprinkled with just a touch of salt. Oh, how sweet it is! I actually caught myself singing "Amazing corn, how sweet the taste!" to the tune of "Amazing Grace."

Fiddlestix! What was I thinking? How could corn compare to the sweet and precious grace of our Savior, Jesus Christ?

Ahhh, maybe it's not that much of a stretch to think that corn and grace are connected after all. While each ear of corn begins as a single kernel, our life in Christ begins with a single element--grace...unmerited favor.

God's grace planted in our hearts grows or increases as it is fertilized, watered, and cultivated by the Word of God. Much like that single kernel of corn is planted, fertilized, watered, and cultivated, grace multiplies exponentially as we put our faith into action, growing in the Truth of God's Word, and walking daily in fellowship with Him.

This afternoon I was freezing some corn and noticed some ears were underdeveloped. They came from the same single kernel, planted in the same field, given the same fertilizer, watered with the same water, and cultivated with the same hoe. But some of the ears failed to fill out completely. Could it be those ears were like those of us who fail to fulfill our commitment to Christ?

As I look at my life, I am compelled to ask myself, is grace in me multiplying as much as that one kernel multiplies into an entire ear of corn or is my walk with God underdeveloped and unproductive? What about you? Are you multiplying in grace?

"But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen." (2 Peter 3:18 KJV)

Father, I want to grow in grace and multiply like the ear of corn. May my life be as sweet as the fresh corn dipped in butter and sprinkled with salt...fruitful, abundant, and pleasing to You. For Your glory, Lord, amen.