The Ancient Scroll Was Opened
Men gathered in the synagogue
A custom of the Jews
The day of Sabbath rest had come
For worshiping Hebrews
Ascending to the sacred desk,
His eyes the room perused
This is My Father’s house, He mused
That one day they’ll abuse.
“A carpenter in Nazareth,
We know his family well.”
“I’ve heard his cousin served as priest.”
“Around the man crowds swell.”
The ancient scroll was handed him,
Isaiah’s text to read.
Acquainted with the truth contained,
For script, He had no need.
He took the ancient oracles,
The treasured, wondrous scrolls;
The holy words held in His hands
Spoke life to all men’s souls.
He placed the scrolls upon the desk
And reached for his tallit.
Your Law I love, Your Words are Mine
Now covered head replete.
This humble servant’s finger scanned
The parchment right to left;
A passage He began to read
With excellence and deft.
“The Spirit of the Lord Most High
Has now anointed Me
To preach the good news to the poor,
The broken-hearted heal.
“To preach deliv’rance to those bound,
The bruised grant liberty
To give sight to the blinded eyes
Proclaiming Jubilee.”
A weighty presence filled the room;
All eyes were fixed on Him.
He caref’lly rolled the sacred text
Each movement not a whim.
“Today this scripture is fulfilled”
They marveled at the sight,
Revealing zeal and fervor as
His heart passions ignite.
Men gathered in the synagogue
A custom of the Jews
The day of Sabbath rest had come
For worshiping Hebrews
Behind a sacred desk He stood
The scrolls in holy hands;
And still this day His voice is heard
With pow’r throughout the land.
© 2007 Jan Ross
All Rights Reserved
Originally submitted to the Weekly Writing Challenge at
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