3 min read


Faith starts with simple obedience no matter how ridiculous it sounds, no matter how silly it seems; this is what we call "blind faith".
Blind Faith
Photo by Taras Chernus / Unsplash

Faith is Visionary

When I think about faith, I think about vision. For instance, faith is keeping my eyes fixed on the Cross and on the goal God has set before me.  Faith is very visionary.  Most of us understand that faith is obeying God as He leads into the unknown, totally trusting Him throughout the journey. But, take a few moments to consider an excellent example of what I’m going to call “blind faith” found in the great patriarch, Abraham.  Consider that, although he had a vision and his eyes fixed on surrendering all to the Lord, he also understood what it was to have blind faith:

"By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went."  (Hebrews 11:8)

…not knowing whither he went.”  This type of obedience is born out of faith – faith in the midst of an unknown journey.  Abraham had to exhibit great faith in God's ability to lead him in order for him to take this journey to somewhere he didn't even know.  He followed by “blind faith”.

Abraham's relationship with the Lord was an intimate one; he fully trusted God to give him direction in his life.  This relationship wasn't "inherited," it was one which grew exactly the same as ours.  Abraham didn't just one day wake up and have giant faith; he responded to the call of God, he determined he would trust God, and he found God faithful in everything He had promised.

As we step out in faith believing God to lead us, to guide us, to care for us, to shelter us, to provide for us, etc, our faith increases which makes it easier every time we reach out in faith believing God.  Faith can become a way of life.

Faith grows but it starts with simple obedience.  No matter how ridiculous it sounds, no matter how silly it seems, we must be obedient to the leading of God.  He desires to bless us and our obedience will open the doors to His abundant blessings, just as it did for Abraham.

As we prepare for our journey into Sudan, we are unquestionably taking a journey in blind faith. The news reports aren’t good. Our families and friends issue constant warnings and prayerful concern. Even natural logic would indicate the need for some reconsideration of our plans.  But God …

God called.  God opened many doors.  God has prepared the way.  God has empowered, provided, appointed, and anointed those who will follow Him by blind faith.  We’ve seen Him do what we never thought possible even as we prepare for this Outreach.  We’re convinced, as a team and as individual team members, that just as He did for Abraham and countless others before us, He will do it for us!  We're not ignorant of the reasons why it seems dangerous to go, but we believe it would be more dangerous to remain at home in disobedience than to follow God with "blind faith" as He leads.

Trust Him to be faithful, listen for His call, the step out of your comfort zone in obedience—in blind faith!

Father, we want so much to be obedient to your leading in our lives.  We want to be obedient, period!  Lord, we are amazed when we read about Abraham and others and their great faith and how You used them so mightily to perform Your will on this earth.  Use us, Lord, as we learn to heed Your call and follow Your voice.  Help us surrender our will in the light of Your will.  It is our prayer, Lord, that Your will be done first and foremost in our lives and in our families, Lord.   We love You and long to please you through our obedience.  Amen!

“For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.”  (Romans 12:3)