2 min read


What a blessing it is to know the peace that calms our fears and helps us deal with questions for which we have no answer.
Covenant of Peace
Photo by Joseph Barrientos / Unsplash

He Keeps Covenant

"Peace, peace, wonderful peace, coming down from the Father above . . ."

I can still hear the voices and envision the tears flowing down the cheeks of many saints as they sing these words from the depth of their hearts.  For many, these words are more than a mere song; they have become a declaration in the time of turmoil, trusting God for that peace that passes all understanding in the midst of life’s fiercest trials.

What a blessing it is to know the peace that flows from the Father’s heart to ours, calming our fears and insecurities, and even helping us deal with questions for which we have no answer.  How wonderful it is to know that we have a God who "keepeth covenant and mercy" (see Deut. 7:9) with His people!

"For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the LORD that hath mercy on thee."  (Isaiah 54:10)

How great is our God? Look again at His promise in the verse for today. Though everything may crumble around you, and everyone turn their back on you, neither His kindness nor His peace shall EVER depart from you because He's a God of covenant and He is merciful toward us who love Him and keep His commandments.

Are you lacking peace?  Remember God’s covenant as He IS our peace.

Are you fearful for tomorrow?  Remember God’s covenant as He IS our hope.

Is life crumbling around you?  Remember God’s covenant as His mercy endures forever; you will find Him as the Solid Rock you can cling to in your time of trouble.

Now, that's our GREAT GOD!

Help me today, Lord, to comprehend once again what an awesome promise You have made to us. You keep your covenants. You show us mercy. You never leave us. You never forsake us. You're always there for us. You are our Solid Rock. You are our Peace. Father, there is none who can compare to You—no greater god can be found in all the universe. You are Lord. King.  Savior.  Most High God. Thank you for revealing Yourself to us again in such a special way, amen.

“. . . for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”  (Hebrews 13:5)