Truth and Creative Writing

Find encouragement, inspiration, and knowledge that deepens your desire to love and know God in greater measure, strengthening your resolve to grow and remain loyal to Him in every area of your life.
Series & Studies
Photo by Aaron Burden / Unsplash

This page is organized to help you navigate through truth-filled posts such as topical studies, a series on our foundational Christian beliefs and the importance of God's Word, and more. The series and studies have their roots in topics Jan frequently studies, whether for a group study, class, or notes from study for personal use.

Creative posts are primarily from submissions to weekly writing competitions on FaithWriters. Jan confesses she is not the best writer by any stretch of the imagination, but she has thoroughly enjoyed presenting her creative articles to the Christian competitive writing group.

Note: Jan retains the rights to all the articles presented on the FaithWriters page. If you wish to copy or share any of them, please ask permission. Thank you.

The following are shared with the hope that God is glorified as you read and study. Jan hopes you will find encouragement, inspiration, and knowledge that deepens your desire to love and know God in greater measure, strengthening your resolve to grow and remain loyal to Him in every area of your life.