3 min read

Dancing Leaves

Those nearly dead, dried-up leaves were dancing unashamedly without leaving the tree, as if to show the importance of clinging to their source and remaining joyful even when the winds of adversity (the impending winter season) were blowing.
Dancing Leaves: Winds of Adversity and Prosperity
Photo by Justin Cron / Unsplash

Winds of Adversity and Prosperity

As I opened the shades this morning and sat down with my coffee to meditate on God’s Word, my attention was drawn to the tree directly outside the window. The dried and dying leaves were vigorously dancing, not on the ground but while still attached to the tree. The other trees were calm and listless which added to the unusual dance staged by some very active dancing leaves. The wind motivating this dance seemed targeted as if to purposely capture my attention. I prayed for understanding.

Wind is certainly not an unusual phenomenon, especially where we live. One of the things that everyone notices when they visit is the strength of the almost constant wind. But, this morning the wind was not a broad, sweeping wind, but a wind targeting a specific branch of a specific tree in our yard, right in front of the window. I began to dig to find a nugget of truth because “scripture describes the powerful effect of wind, and uses the image figuratively to speak of God’s power and presence in the world.”¹

Winds come and go, increase and decrease in velocity and strength, creating movement (at the very least). The wind is a powerful force that forms land, cuts the hardest rock, and moves ships across the sea. Wind can be our friend while, as so many have learned, it can also be a tool of destruction.

Since the Bible uses wind both literally and figuratively it seems that this morning’s targeted wind was more figurative than literal in that its purpose was to direct my thoughts, which it did.

Those nearly dead, dried-up leaves were dancing unashamedly without leaving the tree, as if to show the importance of clinging to their source and remaining joyful even when the winds of adversity (the impending winter season) were blowing. This could speak to all of us at various times in our lives.

“In the days of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider: God has made the one as well as the other…” (Eccl 7:14)

The autumn season begins with an unparalleled pallet of colorful trees and harvest. The Bible speaks about both seedtime and harvest (Gen. 8:22). The tree on display this morning grows against a backdrop of harvested fields that just a few weeks ago were teaming with produce to sustain life through the winter season. We too often take the harvest fields for granted yet they are God’s perfect provision for all living creatures. Another reminder that our rejoicing even in the late autumn when growth has ceased for a season is to be no less than during the season of prosperous fields and orchards.

“Seasons are examples of God’s perfect order in the world. They represent the balanced cycle of creation which is sustained by God and through which his provision and mercy are made known.”²

Finally, I’m reminded of  Isaiah 55:12:

“For you will go out with joy And be led forth with peace; The mountains and the hills will break forth into shouts of joy before you, And all the trees of the field will clap their hands.”

Perhaps the leaves were clapping rather than dancing. Either way, I’m reminded that in nature there is wisdom to be gained pertinent to the seasons in which we live. We just need to open our hearts and prayerfully seek the Lord regardless of our circumstances. He will be found if we will truly seek Him.

“Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” (Jer 29:12-13)

Father, thank You for reminding us that we have much for which to rejoice even when all we see is dead leaves blowing in the wind. You created the times and the seasons, the seedtime and harvest, the winds of prosperity and adversity, all for  Your glory. Help us remember. Amen.


© Jan Ross
All Rights Reserved

¹Manser, M. H. (2009). Dictionary of Bible Themes: The Accessible and Comprehensive Tool for Topical Studies. London: Martin Manser.