1 min read

Harvest Time

Harvest time is here again, I love this time of year.
Harvest Time
Photo by Cesar Carlevarino Aragon / Unsplash

Harvest time is here again
I love this time of year
Farmers gath’ring ripened fields
As hunters track the deer

Pumpkins, gourds, and shocks of corn
With hardy mums appear
Making fall a special time
As winter’s cold draws near

Leaves of gold, of red and brown
God’s artistry displayed
Glist’ning in the morning dew
Such beauty He has made

Raking leaves on windy days
The fall chill in the air
Apple cider, pumpkin pie
There’s always some to share

Thankful people gather round
And bow their heads in prayer
“Lord we thank Thee, for our bread,
To Thee, none can compare”

God has blessed us with His love
Each heart He will pursue
Harvest time reminds us that
With death comes life brand new