1 min read


Refuse to let strife or bitterness, Contention or hate or spite Compel to devour unlawful flesh: The Church’s most dreadful blight.
Illegal to Eat Eagles
Photo by Alexas_Fotos / Unsplash

Based on Leviticus 11:13

“These are the birds you are to detest—
The eagle is not for food.”
This is the law of the Lord Most High
He speaks this for mankind’s good.

Eagles first learn how to stand, then fly
They gain strength before they soar;
Boldly they mount up on wings of pow’r
High above the fiercest storms.

Mighty defenders protect their young
Faithful to stay with one mate;
Carefully tending their nest perched high
Hunting in pairs, subjugate.

The eagle’s hooked beak is powerful
Yet he won’t eat his own breed.
Unlawful to eat flesh of his own kind
On eagles he will not feed.

Learn the lessons the eagles will teach
They’re more like us than you know;
Valuable insight awaits the one
To whom the myst’ry God shows.

We, like eagles, first learn how to stand
We grow, then learn how to fly;
Boldly we mount up on wings of pow’r
Soaring above stormy skies.

Mighty defenders protect the young;
We’re faithfully bound to Christ.
Carefully guarding the babes, the young;
Salvation at such a price!

But listen, my friend, and hear me well
Those things the Lord has decreed.
With powerful beaks, we rip to shreds;
On flesh of eagles we’ll feed.

The Church and the eagles are alike;
God’s laws for both are for good.
“These are the birds you are to detest—
The eagle is not for food.”

Refuse to let strife or bitterness,
Contention or hate or spite
Compel to devour unlawful flesh:
The Church’s most dreadful blight.

Rightly discern the Body of Christ:
For this cause many are sick.
Man against man, and church against church,
Our hearts have become sinsick.

Be like the eagle—refuse to prey,
Devouring flesh of your kind;
Sharpen your beak on the Word of God
And not your brother’s behind.

Originally submitted to the Weekly Writers Challenge at Faithwriters.com