It Was Good News

“And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them." (Luke 2:20)
When you read the account of the birth of Jesus in Luke you suddenly realize that all to whom the good news was revealed had the same reaction . . . they praised God. Many theologians assert that it was over a span of possibly two years and maybe even longer that the events in Luke 2 occurred, and yet the news of the birth never wore off! It was GOOD news! It was GREAT news! It was MARVELOUS news! The long-awaited Messiah was born!
The angels celebrated, the shepherds rejoiced, the wise men worshipped! Everyone responded with praise and honor to the Father!
Celebrating the birth of Jesus is not just a one day occurrence. The celebration that began that silent and holy night still goes on in the heart of every believer, not just on Christmas day but every day of their lives. As a matter of fact, our response to the gift of Christ should be no more or less on Christmas than on any day of the year! As He gave, we should give! As He loved, we should love! As He humbled himself, we should humble ourselves! As He laid down His will, we should lay down our will! As He set the example, we should follow it! Why? To celebrate His birth, His life, His death, His resurrection, and His soon-coming!
Let's celebrate today! Jesus is not only the reason for THIS season; He's the reason for EVERY season! Don't wait for Christmas to come around again to give in honor of His gift to us. Give of yourselves daily in some way or another as a tribute to the Greatest Gift of All! Celebrate Jesus by living a life pleasing and glorifying to Him!
Father, although today is not traditionally the day in which we celebrate Your birth, but it's a day that I can praise You for simply because I choose to celebrate Your birth every day of every year! Without the laying down of Your heavenly estate and taking on the form of man robed in flesh . . . without that, there would be no reason to rejoice, no purpose for joy, and no hope for the future! Oh Lord, thank You for Jesus, Your only begotten Son, the babe who laid in a manger but rose to be Victor over death and the grave! Oh, how I praise You, Lord, for fulfilling Your plan for the redemption of mankind through the greatest gift of all . . . Jesus, my Lord, my Saviour, my Master! I love You, Lord! Amen and Amen!
"And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." (Luke 2:13-14)
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