2 min read


Without our “Compass”, the way through life is filled with deadends, roadblocks, disguised potholes, insurmountable mountains, hidden pits and cunning traps laid by the enemy to snare the unsuspecting.
Take No Step Without God
Photo by Ali Kazal / Unsplash

God is Our Compass

"Take No Step Without God” (Spurgeon).

We’ve all been there. Anxious for an answer. Running ahead of God. Working through difficult situations without waiting on His instruction. And, it inevitably leads us into more difficulties. You would think we would learn!

God is our Compass, His Word our roadmap. Can you imagine a seasoned explorer going on an expedition without a compass, GPS or a map? It would be an invitation for disaster! Yet, day after day believers young and old are tempted to face challenges or make decisions without seeking God’s instruction. And, many yield to the temptation for any variety of reasons. Without our “Compass”, the way through life is filled with deadends, roadblocks, disguised potholes, insurmountable mountains, hidden pits and cunning traps laid by the enemy to snare the unsuspecting. Using both prayer and wisdom from God’s Word will help us through our journey. He will instruct us, as the Psalmist states, and show us what path to take that leads us to victory in whatever challenge we face. God is indeed our Compass … His Word our Roadmap.

The Puritan said, “As sure as ever a Christian carves for himself, he’ll cut his own fingers."

Spurgeon also quoted another old saying:

“He that goes before the cloud of God’s providence goes on a fool’s errand."

Years ago, my husband and I planned a road trip from Ohio to California. We went to AAA and asked them to help us map out the trip. They gave us a series of maps, marked up to keep us on the right routes, showing us both the detours and the scenic stops along the way. Without these maps, we would have wound up in a mess because of the many reroutes we encountered along the way. But, even more than that, we would have missed the incredible blessing of the many scenic stops.

God longs for us to allow Him to lead through our life’s journey much the same way. His Word is our roadmap through life. If we will follow His map, we will not only avoid many detours and traps, but we will be immensely blessed by the scenic stops along the way. But, these blessings don’t come by running off on our own without consulting the roadmap as we so often do. Let us be careful to take all our plans, aspirations, and perplexities to Him and ask, “Lord, what will you have me do?"

Don’t begin your day without seeking the Lord. He has a plan that will lead you through your day in a way that will protect you from roadblocks and bless you with unexpected scenery along the way.