Shook Hell's Portals
Once a captive sinner lingered
Drowning in a world of sin
Daily battles drawing deeper;
Blinded eyes from pain within.
“Here, take this, and you’ll feel better;
This will surely ease your pain!”
Desperation, fear and anger,
Crushed, confused, nearly insane.
Deep depression and addiction
Led to deeper throes of sin
Night by night a different bedroom
Day by day war raged within.
“Here’s a gun, now go and end it!
There’s no hope for those like you!”
All life’s meaning, swept and vacant
Pain’s despair kept truth from view.
Wasted, empty, and depleted,
Nothing gained; there was no more.
Questions filled a searching heart, yet
Hope was gone, and life was o’er.
Lying on the cold, hard sidewalk
People pointing, nodding … “Shame!”
Cast aside like trash and refuse
Useless rubbish, worthless frame.
Suddenly a soft word spoken
Eyes of love reached depths unknown.
“Take my hand and let me show you
You’ve a Friend, you’re not alone!”
“I’ve no friends and none can love me.
Who is this? What is His Name?
What makes you think that you can help me?
I’m not worth it, what’s your game?”
“Jesus is His name; He’ll save you
From a life of sin and shame.
All He asks is that you trust Him
Call on Him; confess His name.”
Bowing down, they prayed together,
“Jesus, save this sinner’s life.
Change her heart, cleanse and redeem her
Take away this pain and strife.”
Once a sidewalk, now an altar,
Old life died; new life began.
Hope was born that blessed morning.
Hallelujah to the Lamb!
Rage and fury shook hell’s portals
“You can’t have her; it’s too late!”
Jesus held her closely to Him
“Flee from her, there’s no debate!”
Halted! Banned! And, oh, what fury!
Who is this whom hell obeys?
Oh, what sovereign power wielded;
Oh, what vict’ry He displays!
Holding out His arms he stayed them,
Devils, demons, imps enraged.
Not one evil plot succeeded
Stirring anger, wrath, and rage.
This is Jesus, Lord, Redeemer
Sovereign King, Victorious One
Faithful Judge, Triumphant Warrior
Conquering Savior, God’s own Son!
Once a sinner, now forgiven
No more sin or guilt or shame;
Daily battles prove His promise
There is vict’ry in His Name.
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