2 min read

Our Great God

The Greatness of our God and King, The Word of Truth proclaims. Our Mighty and Eternal Lord Is due mankind’s acclaim!
Our Great God
Photo by Yuri Figueiredo / Unsplash

Our Great God

“Let there be light, and there was light,”
The first book testifies,
Twas our great God who made the worlds,
The water, earth, and skies.

God’s people cried, “Deliver us!”
In Exodus we’re told,
A lamb was slain, the way was made,
His great plan to unfold.

God showed His strength to Joshua;
In battle, he prevailed.
“Send Levites now, with trumpets, march!”
God’s promise never failed.

The temple stood in ruin great
And Ezra heard the call:
“Restore My house and with My strength,
Build up the broken walls.”

God’s greatness in poetic song,
The psalmists sang His praise.
“The Shepherd gently leads His flock,”
To Him their voices raised.

“I saw the Lord, high, lifted up,
Exalted Holy One.”
The seraphs flew, the thresholds shook.
Isaiah … “I’m undone!”

“Hear ye, all nations, tongues, and men,
Bow down or live no more!”
Three Hebrews stood … refused to bow,
Delivered by the Lord.

Habakkuk cried, “I’ve heard Your fame,
I stand in awe of You!”
God’s splendor in the heav’ns above
His greatness, He has proved!

“A messenger the Lord will send,
And he’ll prepare the way.”
“The coming Christ,” said Malachi,
“Who may abide that day?”

A Child was born in Bethlehem,
A Savior to redeem.
God sent His Lamb to set men free,
His plan for man now seen.

In Matthew, He’s the King of Jews,
A Servant, Mark made known.
In Luke, He is the Son of Man,
In John, God’s Son enthroned.

In Acts, He is the Holy Ghost,
At Pentecost He came.
Now empowered with boldness new,
The Word of God proclaimed.

Paul taught the church at Ephesus,
“As children, live in light.”
“Be strong and with His armor on,
Stand firm in His great might!”

“Grace, peace to you from God above”
Colossians, Paul began,
“In Christ the fullness of our God
Took form like as a man”

An everlasting covenant,
God’s faithfulness defined.
What some have called “The Hall of Faith”
In Hebrews we do find.

“But you, dear friends, Build up yourselves
In God’s most holy faith.”
Writes Jude, “In God’s love keep yourself,
And praying as you wait.”

The King of kings and Lord of lords,
The end of times revealed.
The greatness of His righteousness,
Triumphant Victory!

The Greatness of our God and King,
The Word of Truth proclaims.
Our Mighty and Eternal Lord
Is due mankind’s acclaim!