Sightless But Not Blind

A blind man stumbled along a busy city sidewalk using his cane to guide him. Moving through the crowds, he mumbled words only those close to him could hear: “I see! I see!”
A handicapped woman was late for work; she, too, stumbled along the busy city sidewalks. Worried she may lose her job, she tried to hurry past the blind man until she heard his words: “I see! I see!”
Curiosity demanded she stop. “Sir, obviously you can’t see. What do you mean ‘I see’…I’m not sure I understand.”
The blind man eagerly responded. “You don’t have to be sightless to be blind. I am blind, but I see more than most. Oh yes, I see!”
Suddenly unaware of the time, the woman began to inquire of the blind man. The more he spoke, the more aware she became of her own blindness—it became more real than her own frail body. Right there on the busy street the blind man prayed with her. When she opened her eyes, she began to see like never before.
Remembering the hour, she hugged the blind man and left. With a new spring in her halted steps, she echoed his words: “I see! I see!” All the way down the sidewalk she was so amazed at the sight she had—her sin was gone, she was free from guilt and shame. She had been blind though she had sight. Now she had sight with renewed strength, and she could see.
The handicapped woman arrived at work, late as usual. But the change in her was obvious; her employer inquired of her. “Are you feeling better today?”
With a smile and a tear in her eye, the woman spoke, “I am lame, but now my strength is renewed. I have been blind but now I see…I see!”
How is your sight today?
Lord, open my eyes that I may see my need for a closer walk with Jesus Christ, the One who renews my strength and makes my blind eyes see…draw me ever closer, Lord, to Thee. Amen.
“At that very time Jesus cured many who had diseases, sicknesses and evil spirits, and gave sight to many who were blind.” (Luke 7:21 NIV)
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