My prayer is for our children, one by one, to take up the mantle of godliness and faith and lead their own families in the ways of God.
Country Cousins
Dad probably loved watching Mom's scowl more than he loved the tree ornament.
Cecilia's Baked Surprise
Cecilia tried hard to be a perfect housekeeper, always keeping their home neat and tidy.
Why Go To Church?
Tiffany Johnson shares five reasons for gathering with believers each weekend on John Piper's website,
Chapter Ten (Part Two)
Biological Family
As you can imagine, piecing together the lives of two individuals in a short and forbidden relationship has
Chapter Nine
Family Tree
"Each of us is tomorrow's ancestors!"
- Author Unknown
I'm going to
Chapter Ten (Part One)
Parents and Grandparents
This page describes my adoptive farmily (Bosch/Koelewyn) since I knew them very well (obviously). To read