2 min read

The Bridegroom Is Coming

Live like He's coming today and share the good news of His return with everyone you meet.
The Bridegroom Is Coming

"Behold, I am coming soon!" (Revelation 22:7a)

Jesus said He would return soon. But many people will ask, "If He said He's coming soon, why hasn't He come yet?" And, that is a valid question ... why HASN'T Jesus come yet?

The problem isn't WHY Jesus hasn't come yet, the problem is that we have lost focus on the reality of Christ's soon appearing.

Jesus said He would return, and He will. John 14:1-3 says, "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am."

But for the most part, Christians have lost focus. Most believe He is coming, but too many don't live like He could come today!

Be honest ... have you even thought about the possibility of Jesus' imminent return today? Did it even enter your mind that today may just be the day He returns?

I thought so! If you're in relationship with Christ, you likely got up, read your morning devotional, prayed a few minutes, grabbed a cup of coffee and headed out the door to work. Getting involved with your daily activities clouded any hint of anticipation ... there's simply too much to think about, too much to do, too much occupying your mind to sit and contemplate the return of Christ. Like most Christians, you acknowledge He's coming, but it's still a futuristic thought unaccompanied by any sense of urgency.

Years ago I asked my mother if she was ready for Jesus to return, she responded with a question: "People have been saying He's coming back for centuries; why should I think He's coming back now?" And generally, that's the feeling most have, if they even consider it at all.

When will He return? When the Father says it's time. We simply don't know. But we MUST live as if He is coming today, the very next minute, before the very next breath.

If we had a true longing for His return, we'd not lose sight of the fact that this is the season of His coming.

Many people sigh and say, "Oh, how I long for Jesus to come!"

His coming is not a means of escape from this sin-sick world. It's the culmination of the eternal plan of God to provide for His Son, Jesus Christ, a Bride ... a very special Bride that meets every need of her Bridegroom. Let's change our focus from looking for escape from the pressures of this life into looking for and longing with fervent anticipation the day we meet our Bridegroom face-to-face on the day of His glorious return where we will forever be with Him as His Bride. There's a huge difference -- a difference that's great enough to ignite the fires in the hearts of everyone we meet.

Spread the fire of anticipation. Live like He's coming today and share the good news of His imminent return with everyone you meet. The Bridegroom is coming!