3 min read

They Made Us Proud

Being the parents of adult children has been a delight beyond description. We’re so proud of all our children! Each one could have chosen other paths in life, made other decisions, and turned their backs away from some important life principles we did our best to instill in them.
They Made Us Proud
Photo by Brandon Hoogenboom / Unsplash

Under Unbelievable Circumstances

Being the parents of adult children has been a delight beyond description. We’re so proud of all our children! Each one could have chosen other paths in life, made other decisions, and turned their backs away from some important life principles we did our best to instill in them. But, they didn’t! We praise God unreservedly!

From the very beginning of their preborn lives, my husband and I prayed that each one would never stray from their Christian 


roots, would love God, and become strong witnesses of His amazing grace. We clung to God’s promises concerning raising our children, believing and trusting God to weave truth into every fiber of their precious and cherished hearts. Now that they’re adults, we look at them and see visible answers to our prayers, not because our prayers were so perfect or so powerful, but because God’s Word is trustworthy!

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6)

Let me take a moment to commend two of our daughters who have faced some exceptionally painful and potentially insurmountable challenges in life. Over the past several years, we’ve watched, sometimes with tears and other times with sheer delight, as they worked (and continue to work) through issues that could have turned them against everything we taught them had they made other decisions. Today we are more convinced than ever that they are displaying character that goes against the flow, faith that is firm even though at times shaken, and determination to deal with every challenge that comes their way. This is what makes us proud! The promises of God being made manifest in their lives gives us hope as their futures continue to unfold before them.

This is not a pat on our own backs as parents. Rather, it is a testimony to God’s faithfulness under some very extreme conditions. Those who know our family understand the roads they’ve traveled. Unconventional and unexpected consequences. Medical malpractice. Unlawful and dishonest lawyers. Inexcusable dishonesty. Ongoing emotional and verbal assaults. Unfathomable loss. Brokenness. Unbearable grief. And more.

proud dana debbie

Instead of allowing their unique circumstances to bury them and harden their hearts, they have used them as stepping stones toward growth as they continue to become strong as women, mothers and daughters. They could have chosen to be victims but instead have set their sites on victory!

While so many look at what’s wrong in today’s world, I want to take a moment to look at and call out what’s right. We can’t stimulate growth in anyone unless we focus more on the good, not blindly accepting shortcomings but rather encouraging success and good decisions by watering and fertilizing visibly growing fruit which is displayed in both these young women.

All our children make us proud and we’re not afraid to say it. These two Ross girls deserve a moment of special acknowledgment from their family and friends. We are so incredibly blessed and honored to have the opportunity to watch them grow in wisdom and grace … just what we’ve prayed for from the moment we learned of their impending arrival.

Yes, we’re proud! And, as their mother, I’m so incredibly blessed to love the six amazing adults we call ours!