Chapter Nineteen

More Mom Trivia
Here we have some more silly questions. I'll take a stab at them but some responses may be redundant. Here goes ...
What would you title your autobiography? I think I've already done this: Filling In the Blanks. I chose that title because there's so much I've forgotten and so much I want you to know about what makes me who I am. When you left home, as much as you tried to keep connected, you weren't always there with me to experience life along my side. So, hopefully, this autobiography will help fill in the blanks for us both. I thought it was an appropriate title.
Do you think you could still pass the written portion of the drive's test without studying? I'm quite certain I could pass the written test. I'm fairly certain I could pass the driving test. Those who ride in the car with me may not necessarily agree!
What is your favorite color? I love rich, deep colors. Fields of healthy green corn growing in the early summer nearly bring tears to my eyes. Golden wheat fields gently blowing in the wind and untouched by tractors or harvesters. Rich black soil like that which is found in Celeryville stirs my heart as I consider the greatness of God's creative masterpiece we call Earth. The deep blue skies with powder-puff clouds gently blowing in the wind cause my heart to leap. The deep blue-like grass surrounded by pristine white fences enclosing the horse farms in Kentucky puts a longing in my heart to see ALL of God's creation. So, what is my favorite color? All of them and more. Deep ruby reds. Deep blacks. Pure whites. Rich browns. Glorious golds. Emerald greens. Royal purples. I'm non-discriminatory when it comes to colors as long as they are deep, rich and reflective of the richness and depth of colors found in God's glorious creation.
What is your favorite quote? From a very young girl, Isaiah 55:6-7 has been imprinted on my heart, so it would be my favorite quote: "Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon."
Do you believe in life on other planets? I'm unsure but I wouldn't totally discount it. The question in my mind is more about whether it would be God's creation or if it is a failed attempt to duplicate or overpower God's creation on Earth. I think there is some precedence found in First Enoch and the story of the corrupt seed of the Nephilim. It's interesting to think about and research but no such attempt has successfully proven life on other planets (at least to my knowledge).
If you could travel through time and had to choose, who would you meet: your ancestors or your descendants? I would love to meet my ancestors. Having done genealogical research on our families, interesting characters have been found. There is a long ancestry on both sides that would be fascinating to meet and learn of their lives.
What personal accomplishments are you most proud of? My life has been enriched by accomplishing things I never thought possible: Mission work in Africa and India, being a successful piano teacher, raising a family like ours ... there are other things as well but don't want to sound arrogant!
What are five things you are grateful for?
- I'm grateful for my husband and his faithful love throughout our 52+ years together.
- I'm grateful for our biological children we were never supposed to have.
- I'm grateful for our adopted children who completed our family and brought untold joy to us all.
- I'm grateful for the opportunities I've had to minister the Word of God and His love through my mission adventures in Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan, India, etc. It blows my mind when I think about how God called me then made it all happen!
- I'm grateful for each church we've been involved in through the years and the spiritual families God has entrusted to us. Without them, we never could have accomplished anything – our lives would look so much different!
Final Question: If you were forced to sing karaoke, what song would you perform?
I love You, Lord,
And I lift my voice
To worship You.
Oh, my soul,
Take joy, my King,
In what You hear ...
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound
In Your ear.
I exalt Thee, I exalt Thee,
I exalt Thee, Oh, Lord
Take joy, my King,
In what Your hear ...
Let it be a sweet, sweet sound
In Your ear.

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