Chapter Twenty

Political: Your Opinionated Mom
This topic is probably not a fair one because our family (for the most part) falls in line with my views though some are probably less vocal and others a little less conservative than me. So, let me just answer the questions as they apear to the best of my knowledge:
Which best describes how you feel about having political discussions:
- I would rather not.
- I prefer to have them with people whose views match mine.
- I love a good debate.
The only reason I say this is that I'm pretty much non-confrontational and do not easily enter into debate, especially on political viewpoints. I know what I think and believe and am not easily persuaded in any other directions that are contrary to my spiritual beliefs and convictions. I find it odd that people can hold to one spiritual belief and yet hold to a political view that is contrary to their spiritual beliefs. The two must go hand-in-hand or one of them isn't their true belief and are in opposition to one another.
How old were you the first time you voted? I don't remember how old I was but we were living in Kentucky so that would put me in my 40's or early 50's
What are the biggest differences in your political views today and when you were in your early twenties? In my early twenties, I wasn't up to date on politics. That would have been in the VietNam War era and the beginning of the racial and sexual revolutions. I was newly wed at 20, so the first several years of our marriage was focused on building a family. We listened to the news but drew no real conclusions. The most political discussions we heard were during family visits but even then we didn't know why we agreed but just agred with their positions. It wasn't until we were older and began to see how politics impacted our lives and that of our children when we began to draw some political preferences and conclusions. So, to answer the question, the biggest difference is that I now have very strong convictions politically as opposed to having none.
Have you ever taken art in a march or boycott? What issues, if any, could motivate you to join one? Not a march although I would have liked to, especially on behalf of the right to life movement. It wouldn't take much at all to motivate me to join one now if I was physically able. I'm very strongly pro-life, pro-traditional marriage, and anti-big government.
When was the last time you voted? I have voted in most every primary and regular election for the past 20 or so years. I certainly intend to vote in this November's presidential election. As much as Trump irritates me, the policies that concern me most are those he is running on. He's been targeted by the political left to such a degree that it's disgusting. Dirty politics. Politicizing the Supreme Court, the Appellate Courts, the State Supreme Courts, and more. He can't sneeze unless the Left exploits his every move. I appreciate the fact that he keeps pressing on, taking hit after hit while doing his best to reverse policies that are unconstitutional and a detriment to our country. My only wish is that he would not act so cocky ... I think he would gain more support if he cleaned up his act and showed respect for others, including those he disagrees with.
In what ways do you agree and disagree with the political choices of your children's generation? My children are in their 40's and 50's at this time and, for the most part, we are in agreement. Our grandchildren are probably divided – many are conservative thinkers and voters; others are more liberal and see things through the eyes of the loudest voices being heard today. I continue to pray that they will begin to better understand the more conservative policies and take a stand against big government and liberal ideologies. All I ask is they hear the voices of wisdom and turn a deaf ear to the liberal agenda.
If you woke up to find yourself in charge of the country, what are the firs three things you would enact or change? Well, now, there's a loaded question, one on which I could write a book! But, here are the first three things I would do:
- First, I would override any abortion on demand laws including State laws, and any jurisdictional laws enacted to override the law of the land. I would run a powerful campaign emphasizing the life of the unborn's rights to birth and an opportunity for our Constitutional rights found in the 14th Amendment. It illustrates legislation that disallows the government from infringing on the right(s) to pursue "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" with regard to any and all citizens of the United States of America – this statute is applicable to all measures of gender, race, religion, and age, age being the defining factor. Since science has proven that life begins at conception, any infringement on a preborn child to exercise the rights afforded him/her in the Constitution of the United States of America is illegal and must be redefined, rejudicated, and affirmed to protect our most innocent and vulnerabler citizens of all. This would be my first order of business!
- Second, I would write into law the principle of one-husband, one-wife marriage between natural man and woman, establishing the traditional marriage as the highest lawfully protected precedent throughout the country. This would necessarily entail the relinquishment of anyone's right to change gender assignment, making it illegal to alter one's sex for any reason other than a proven mix-up of genes during conception. This would also mean that the use of pronouns would be redefined based on two criteria: male or female.
- Third, I would criminalize any form of racial and/or gender discrimination or assumed superiority in any shape, fashion or form. Traditional roles of men and women would and should never impair either gender from pursuing gainful employment to benefit the family and provide children with the best opportunities for education. Any form of discrimination during the employment process would be criminal, affording each applicant equal opportunities based solely on qualifications.
I could go on but the question asked for only three! There's a reason God set up our Government the way He did. We have come along with a "better idea" that has now made our country a laughing stock on the world scene. It's time the reins were pulled in and we reinstituted common sense and traditional values to strengthen our infrastructure and resolve to be a world leader.
It would be interesting to have this question answered by 0ur family members. I think we'd find it amazing that some of these issues are also hot topics with others. If we don't get things turned back around, we're going to continue the downward spiral on the global scene. Our forefathers would roll over in their graves!

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